Project Spes’ Team
All of our collaborators have contributed freely to Project Spes®. Graphic designers, experts in Strategic Marketing, Printing, and others disciplines.

Anna Longhi
Founder of Project Spes. She co-ordinates the work of all the collaborators. Personally determines the beneficiaries for the funds raised and oversees the site so that every three months, donors can see how and where their contributions have been used.

Helga Tempera
Project advisor

Michael P.M.
University professor who researches phases and translates them into English.

Simone Scoppetta
Specializes in the development and realization of web sites, e-commerce and Blogs. He put at the disposition of Spes his experience for the development of portal, the birth of the site, and the creation of the graphics.

Cesare Leo
Cesare collaborates with Spes furnishing the printed T-Shirts, guaranteeing the supply of T-shirts made from quality eco-sustainable fabric and ink. His contribution is fundamental for our project.

Growing Paper
Is our supplier of labels and the goods for the T-Shirts, prints material on paper that can be planted and is eco-sustainable. Plantable paper with seeds present within give life to our message.

Gianluca Di Salvo
Expert in SEO on Site, SEO OffSite, Analysis and SEO Strategy, PPC Campaign, Web Analytics; he collaborates with Spes for everything related to strategies for communication and social marketing.

Fabio Ughetti
Fabio has a degree in International Relations. He is a translator and an official Federal tour guide of Mexico.

Cassiopea Roma
Cassiopea Roma, Communication strategies, is focused on social communications for Project Spes. Cassiopea was born in 2009 with a team of professionals specializing in strategic business, policial, and institutional communications. “We believe in beautiful things, done well, and communicated better.”