Si Vis Amari Ama
If you want be loved, love
Seneca (4AC – 65DC) Stoic philosopher, statesmen and dramaturge unjustly condemned to death by Emperor Nero. His writings were greatly appreciated by the early Christians as well as during the Middle Ages, Renaissance, 17th century and down to today. It is not surprising that the first fathers of the church found his words attractive since they expressed the Christian concept: “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” His teachings on how to live well and confront adversity remain a potent guide today.
Morale: “l’amore genera amore”. L’universale Seneca è spesso considerato il primo grande pensatore sulla complessa natura delle relazioni umane. Non sorprende che i primi Padri della Chiesa trovassero queste parole attraenti poiché esprimevano il concetto di cristianità: “Ama il prossimo tuo come te stesso.”