From the name, considering that we are talking about a gym, we might think that “Form” refers only to physical form. Well, that’s not the case. Roberta and Silvia with their staff are complete 360 degree trainers. For them “Form” goes beyond physical. The empathy that exists in their gym between trainers and their “followers” […]
Continue readingOur New Testimonial
Guilia, just turned 18. An intelligent girl, vivacious, full of interests and skills, an expert in social media! To this lovely young woman, who is facing life, we entrust the message of project Spes and we send thanks on behalf of all our staff.
Continue readingThanks to our youngest fan
“Michael, our youngest fan at 13, this morning decided to promote and share with his school mates Spes’ message of love.” To our young friend go the thanks of Spes’ staff.
Continue readingHair Parrucchiere Uomo Donna Rome at Piazza Navona
Hair Parrucchiere Uomo Donna Rome at Piazza Navona has joined project Spes and by wearing our T-Shirt have become promotors of our message. From the staff of Spes an enormous GRAZIE to Gianluca and Elena.
Continue readingL’ospedale di Narni (Terni) aderisce ufficialmente al Progetto Spes®
Con la lettera del 21/05/2019 n. protocollo 104834, l’Ospedale di Narni (Terni), aderisce ufficialmente al Progetto Spes®. Potete leggere la lettera ufficiale nell’immagine in allegato! Le nostre magliette sono pronte, ora tocca a te partecipare alle donazioni per l’Ospedale di Narni per l’acquisto di beni e prodotti utili al nosocomio ternano. Diventa parte effettiva del […]
Continue readingWe are here, Spes T-Shirts have arrived! Let’s hear from you!
Have our T-shirts already attracted your attention? Well, finally they are ready. So we want to tell you a little about the production process for our T-shirts and also ask for your advice and suggestions. 🙂 Our graphic artists used a computer to create the heart design that is printed on the phrase: ” Si […]
Continue readingGrowing paper: Our paper, eco-sustainable, become plants.
Spes, in order to attain its goal of eco-sustainability and assisting others, has made a series of choices, first in the area of eco-sustainability. Consequently, for material of every T-shirt – and everything that you will find inside (papyrus, labels…), we have selected GrowingPaper. Why this choice? GrowingPaper is an Italian firm that uses bio-compatible […]
Continue readingThe Theme of Love for Spes
Our graphic designer, one of the first benefactors of Spes made a request: “explain in three hundred words what love means for Spes.” An amusing fellow! An amusing question! Considering that there have been rivers of words written on this subject we, a mere drop of water in the ocean, will do our best to […]
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